AGHAP is born: the association that helps the new golf professional women

AGHAP is born: the association that helps the new golf professional women, Women's Golf Magazine, Ladies In Golf

AGHAP is born with the purpose of supporting all the women golfers that become professional. At the front of the association is the journalist Susana Escolar-Noriega. For years, she has been giving voice and visibility to all the national women golfers through her website Golfhadas and where you can listen to her wonderful podcast. Providing

AGHAP is born with the purpose of supporting all the women golfers that become professional. At the front of the association is the journalist Susana Escolar-Noriega. For years, she has been giving voice and visibility to all the national women golfers through her website Golfhadas and where you can listen to her wonderful podcast. Providing just a small monetary contribution, any professional can do their bit in this association and that way support the future of the national women’s golf. Companies are welcome to the association also: they can be a sponsor or even support a woman player. There are packs from 200€ to 2000€.

They have already organized 5 Pro Golf Experience tournaments. These are small tournaments in which the amateur shares the game with a professional player. Up to now, all of them have been held in Madrid, but the target for the 2021 is to replicate them all around the national territory: “The idea is that the amateur player meets the professionals, flips out watching them at the course and falls in love with women’s golf, which is wonderful”, Susana explains.

The first AGHAP associates have already participated on those Pro-ams, but all the amateurs who want to support professional women’s golf are invited: “AGHAP is born after talking with the women players and realizing their need for support, most of all it is because there are new generations coming through and the first year as a pro is very hard for them. What I want, with this association, is to be able to help all the girls who have the Spanish Golf Federation license.” Susana explains.

The cost to be an associate is 40€ per year for an amateur and 200€ for companies, it is a quantity with which they expect to help many young future promises: “I think that 40€ is a value that an amateur can contribute. We want to get 1000 associates at least during the first year, so we could have 40.000€ to be able to provide scholarships, to pay for the legal advice they need, for marketing and social media training, so that they can get sponsors that want to support them. The basic idea is to get them visibility so that they can get sponsors in the future.” Susana remarks and goes on proudly: “All the Spanish women players support the project. They all want to participate in it, nevertheless I don’t want to do anything massive. All the ones who want to play, will do it when they can, as long as they are not playing any official tournament. I’m very proud to say that they all support the project”.

We also support the project from Ladies in Golf and we hope that they have all the success they deserve. To associate, consult:

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