Julia López, the amateur who shines in AIG Women’s Open

Julia López, the amateur who shines in AIG Women’s Open, Women's Golf Magazine, Ladies In Golf

Fotos: Lourdes Molina Julia López Ramírez has shown once more that she has a great future in golf. Her gold in the European Ladies’ Amateur Championship has provided her a place at the AIG Women’s Open, the last Major of the season. Her excellent performance after the two first days enable her to make the

Fotos: Lourdes Molina

Julia López Ramírez has shown once more that she has a great future in golf. Her gold in the European Ladies’ Amateur Championship has provided her a place at the AIG Women’s Open, the last Major of the season. Her excellent performance after the two first days enable her to make the cut, becoming the only Spanish player to make it. She competed with only one other  amateur,  the  English  Smyth Salver, who overtook her after the Malagueña’s misstep in the 14th hole, where a bunker stood between Julia and the trophy.Julia López, the amateur who shines in AIG Women’s Open, Women's Golf Magazine, Ladies In Golf

How was your experience at your first Major?

Making the cut in my first Major has been a rush for me personally. A little bit sad due to what happened the las two days, but good all the same. During the weekend we had a bit more wind, everything got more complicated, and the putts didn’t go in. Last day I had bad luck at the 14th, in the bunker, but I managed very well the whole day until I arrived at that hole.

Was it the fault of the wind?

I think it was more due to my mind, I arrived on the last day a bit tired of so much golf and it all came on top. I tried to fight but everything got complicated.Julia López, the amateur who shines in AIG Women’s Open, Women's Golf Magazine, Ladies In Golf

This  year  you  have  been unmeasurable…

Yes, this year has been very good, I have been very solid, I haven’t made many mistakes and I haven’t been in many difficulties. The truth is that I’m very happy with everything. Sincerely, it has been a period of golf very easy to play.

When you are in a Major, do you feel the stress?

Yes, most of all people here play for money. They play to ensure the game, that was what impressed me the most. People here play to avoid the bunkers, because you have to be careful and not get in trouble. I am more about playing carefree, to play the ball and get everywhere, but obviously you learn here, because all the players have a high level, they know a lot and I have learnt a lot this week. It is something that will never enter into my head, but it is important to learn and see other points of view.

Your long game has been very good. You won everyone with the driver: what have you missed?

I think that what I failed at has been the putts and the short game; I could have done many less shots there.

Now that you have seen the best ones in action: Are you still enthusiastic?

I want to be a pro in the EEUU, because I think that there is a higher level there and you can learn a lot more. If I can’t make it there, I would come to Europe, but I basically think that I have the level to be there. I have to learn a bit more.

Who are your model players that you would like to play with?

I always have Carlota Ciganda because she has played very well this year. She has failed two cuts, but she is a player who has a high level. And not passing cuts doesn’t mean that she is bad, but that golf is golf and those things can happen. She has a great future, and she is someone I look up to, a person to follow.Julia López, the amateur who shines in AIG Women’s Open, Women's Golf Magazine, Ladies In Golf

Are you going to go to see the Solheim at Finca Cortesin? There will be a great rivalry between these two wonderful teams.

No, I won’t be able to go because I am in America. I think this Solheim is going to be very tight, and it will be nice to see, because the matches will be very even. I don’t like when you win easily, I like the game and to see who is good under pressure, who can put up with it. I think it is nice to see it.

Your dream in the future

To be up there, to be one of the best and most of all in the Solheim Cup, because if you are there it is because you are very good.

Good luck and keep on succeeding!

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