Maria Hernandez: “I want people to value our work”

Maria Hernandez: “I want people to value our work”, Women's Golf Magazine, Ladies In Golf

Maria Hernández became a professional winning the Slovakian Ladies Open Allianz in 2010. She arrived there self-confident after a brilliant stage as an amateur during which she was at the top of the American University League. Born in Pamplona, a football lover and a loyal FC Barcelona follower, Maria is an example of dedication and

Maria Hernández became a professional winning the Slovakian Ladies Open Allianz in 2010. She arrived there self-confident after a brilliant stage as an amateur during which she was at the top of the American University League. Born in Pamplona, a football lover and a loyal FC Barcelona follower, Maria is an example of dedication and effort. With 12 years of career, developed in the LPGA and the LET she is still fighting hard. Last year she was third at the Estrella Damm Ladies Open Presented by Catalunya.

Have you decided to stay permanently at the LET?

So far it is fantastic, I came back a couple of years ago and the truth is that I am delighted at home. It is not in my mind to go back to the EEUU for now. I don’t know about the future, but at this moment I’m going to do the season in the LET that, in addition, has a calendar full of tournaments.

After uniting the LPGA, has the LET been strengthened?

The European Circuit has been benefited very much. The LET was in a difficult situation and having joined with the American Circuit is helping it to have more tournaments. Furthermore, when you go to a sponsor, being with the LPGA helps. Italy and Switzerland have come back to the calendar, Sweden, Finland… each day more and more countries are committing to women’s Golf again.

Is Sitges your favourite tournament?

Sitges is comfortable, I played well, I like the course, it is true. La Reserva is another of the courses that I like, in 2021 I had a very good round and a weak one. The Aramco is a different modality, enjoyable because there are the teams and the individual. The truth is that I enjoy playing in Spain, near home. In the end it is our country, our people and it is where we are most comfortable.Maria Hernandez: “I want people to value our work”, Women's Golf Magazine, Ladies In Golf

How is the search for sponsors?

For the sponsors, women’s golf is still complicated. Unfortunately, it is like this. I hope that as it opens more, it will have more support, because I think we are on the right path. Let’s hope that step by step they become aware that they have to support women.

What would be necessary for women’s golf to explode?

For it to be more known in the media. They publicise Jon Rahm, but there is also Carlota, Azahara and many other women playing in Europe. They are at the top, but they don’t get any kind of recognition. On the other hand, a man finishes third or fifth in the European men’s circuit and they are talked about everywhere. Nobody gives any importance to the women’s circuit. I want people to value our work.

Will the Solheim Cup help in Spain?

It has been a success for Spain, even more to the Costa del Sol, the Costa del Golf. I think that it will bring a lot of tourism, that will help the economy and also the youth. Possibly, in a few years, we’ll see more girls playing just because they have seen the Solheim. There is always something that helps sports grow, why can’t it be the Solheim in Andalucia?Maria Hernandez: “I want people to value our work”, Women's Golf Magazine, Ladies In Golf

Do you think that now they’ll understand what the Solheim is?

It is complicated, I think that the Ryder is better known, but every day there is more knowledge, people are more conscious about what the Solheim is, what golf is. I think that step by step we are on the right path.

What Spanish players do you see in the European team?

Carlota and Azahara for sure and some others. There are Fátima, Nuria, Ana Peláez. There are many young ones and any of them can play well. Spanish level is high and, due to the fact thar it will be held in Spain, there is more motivation for them to want to play.

You have made you career in the EEUU and in the LPGA: do you think that is the only way to success?

I think it is where everyone feels more comfortable. I went to the EEUU, I was comfortable there at the university and I made my path there. But there are people who do it from Europe because they haven’t gone to the university and they feel more comfortable getting their experiences in Europe, getting more confident and later on they go there to try. I think that each one has to consider their own personal situation.

Concerning your game: what do you expect for 2022?

During 2021 I have recovered consistency in my game, most of all with the green shots. This year I still have to improve my short game and the drive, which has normally been my strength, but lately it is giving me some headaches. I hit many fairways, but I still would like to be more comfortable with the drive. It is not the number of fairways that I fail, it is how comfortable I feel on top of the ball.Maria Hernandez: “I want people to value our work”, Women's Golf Magazine, Ladies In Golf

Which is your plan B?

I have a few things going on in Pamplona. I would like to do something related to sports, to golf and I have something already working. You have to have plan B always; you never know what can happen.

Do you have any limit for you career?

The truth is that I haven’t thought about it. I will see it every year, it depends on what I find. When I feel unwilling and without enthusiasm, I’ll say: here it ends. There is still much of Maria Hernandez left.

What advice would you give to all the readers that are starting in golf?

To be very patient, to have fun, to enjoy and then step by step, as they see how the ball begins to rise, they will get hooked.

What’s golf for you?

It is everything, I have matured thanks to it, I have travelled the world thanks to it and it helps you with certain aspects of your life. It has helped me a lot, that is why I’d encourage all parents to take their children to play golf, because it is a very nice sport and in spite of being individual, it is teambuilding and people help one another, therefore it is always good.


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